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Get started with Customized Virtual Consult Now Packages

In addition to our free service we have a few more options to help out offices streamline their Virtual Consults


Great for Beginners

Forever if you sign up by June 30th
  • Emergency Virtual Consult
  • Simple to use
  • Personal landing page

Virtual Orthodontic Consult

Calendly® Integration

Text Reminders

Payment Integration Stripe®

$ 49 / month
Set up fee  $49   $0 set up fee through July No contracts
  • Includes Basic Plus
  • Custom Virtual Orthodontic Consult
  • Patients can schedule through Calendly®
  • Text Reminders
  • Stripe® Integration



Calendly® Integration

Text Reminders

Payment Integration Stripe®

$ 79 / month
Set up fee  $99   $49 set up fee through July No contracts
  • Includes Basic Plus and Virtual Ortho Consult
  • Cosmetic Smile Virtual Consult
  • Patients can schedule through Calendly®
  • Text Reminders
  • Stripe® Integration

Hello Everyone! Let me know how this web application is helping your office. Make a comment below. Thanks Sal T.

Posted by Virtual Consult Now on  Thursday, March 26, 2020

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